Watch | Who was Robert J. Oppenheimer?
The Hindu
The atomic bomb can destroy an entire city in seconds. In the early 1940s, scientists were secretly working on a project to build a nuclear bomb that would end the second World War. Leading the team was Robert J. Oppenheimer, an American theoretical physicist. Oppenheimer was a visionary, and a leader. But he was also human, with flaws and guilt. This, is his story.
The atomic bomb can destroy an entire city in seconds.
In the early 1940s, scientists were secretly working on a project to build a nuclear bomb that would end the second World War. Leading the team was Robert J. Oppenheimer, an American theoretical physicist.
Oppenheimer was a visionary, and a leader. But he was also human, with flaws and guilt.
This, is his story.
Also Read | Oppenheimer: Remembering the physics that first made him great
We know birds, animals and insects constantly communicate with each other by making certain sounds. But when we think about plants, we do not ever think of them communicating. Charles Darwin, an eminent biologist, thought otherwise. Plants might appear the quiet, silent and solitary type of organisms but they have a complex way of communicating which is interesting and important for their survival.