Vivek Ramaswamy on UNC Chapel Hill professors opposing US history courses: 'Assault on American identity'
Fox News
GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy discusses the protest against US history courses by hundreds of professors at the University of North Carolina on 'Jesse Watters Primetime.'
VIVEK RAMASWAMY: Pete, this is part of a broader assault on American identity itself. Our problem isn't that we have civic education, it's that we don't have enough of it. And here's an interesting fact, all right: If you're an immigrant, and you want to become a citizen of this country, you actually have to pass a test. Among the questions included in that test include things like how many amendments are there in the U.S. Constitution -- there's 27 – who are the authors of the Federalist Papers – John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison. If immigrants want to actually immigrate to this country, become citizens, [they] have to know these things. I think there should be no objection to actually teaching it to somebody who's a student at a public university. So don't believe that this is about anything other than an assault on American history itself because there is this anti-American strain, Pete, and you know it well, that wishes to apologize for the existence of a nation founded on our ideals and I refuse to do it. And I think we need more people willing to stand up and say that.