Veterinary College standardises technique for artificial insemination in dogs with fresh semen
The Hindu
Success rate is 60%-70%, almost equal to natural mating: TANUVAS official
After achieving success in the technique of artificial insemination in dogs with fresh semen, the Madras Veterinary College at Vepery is preparing for the next phase of insemination with frozen semen. The college is affiliated to Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS).
“We have standardised the technique for transcervical insemination. The success rate is 60% to 70% when fresh semen is used, and it is almost equal to natural mating. Now we have to concentrate on the use of frozen semen,” said T. Sathiamoorthy, Director of Clinics, TANUVAS.
The artificial insemination was launched as a pilot project. The veterinary college also procured a vaginoscope for ₹15 lakh. “We succeeded in developing the transcervical insemination technique in the country for the first time,” he said.