‘Very optimistic’ about the Indian start-up sector, says London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Head Burge
The Hindu
Richard Burge, CEO of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), is optimistic about India-U.K. business collaboration, Indian start-up sector and London's post-Brexit prospects. He is visiting Chennai, Hyderabad and Bengaluru for a start-up festival, part of a series of U.K. trade and business visits to India.
In an interview with The Hindu, prior to his visit this week to Chennai, Hyderabad and Bengaluru, for a start-up festival, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) CEO Richard Burge is bullish on India-U.K. business collaboration, the Indian start-up sector and the prospects of London, post-Brexit. His visit to India is the latest in a series of high-profile U.K. trade and business visits to India. Excerpts:
According to the company, the technology, protected by multiple international patents, facilitates the creation of a plastic-to-plastic circular economy, where commonly used plastics such as polyolefin packaging no longer need to be down-cycled, incinerated or landfilled at the end of their life. Instead, they can be continuously recycled in a closed-loop, without any loss of quality.