US government an ‘easy target’ for scammers amid coronavirus pandemic: Security consultant
Fox News
The “Scam Me if You Can” author, whose autobiography inspired the Hollywood film “Catch Me if You Can," predicted pandemic relief fraud would increase since Congress passed the CARES Act in Spring of 2020.
Abagnale argued the government is an "easy target" for scammers as fraudulent claims surge. FRANK ABAGNALE: "During the pandemic, scammers follow the headlines. So we've seen a 400-percent increase in scams, and of course, the CARES Act you could see coming, the government putting $630 billion in the hands of the states. Sixty-three billion dollars estimated went to fraudulent claims … the government, when giving the $630 billion, gave the states a waiver and said they would take care of any fraud and protect them from any liability. So, there hasn't been a lot of safety and motivation to keep the fraud out, they’re using antiquated systems, and of course, they're understaffed …More Related News