UGD works near Trichy Road flyover pillars at Ramanathapuram junction in Coimbatore raises concern
The Hindu
Concerns raised as filling soil near Trichy Road flyover pillar collapses during UGD works, prompting safety measures and accountability.
A recent report that filling soil near the pillar of Trichy Road flyover at Ramanathapuram junction collapsed during underground drainage (UGD) works has raised concerns about the cautions taken for such works.
An official recently told The Hindu that during the UGD works at Ramanathapuram junction, the filling soil gave away, and shutters would be placed to keep the soil intact.
However, officials of the Highways Department told The Hindu on Tuesday that they were unaware of such an incident and that they would enquire with the Coimbatore Corporation.
K. Kathirmathiyon, secretary of Coimbatore Consumer Cause, said the delay in the UGD works was discussed in detail by District Collector Kranthi Kumar Pati with officials from the Highways, the TWAD and other Departments concerned during the District Road Safety Committee meeting. The filling soil issue was not mentioned.
There were complaints that agencies that take up works on the Highways roads do not re-lay the roads according to the National Highways standards. The filling soil collapsing was a serious issue and it should have been taken up with the Highways officials as Trichy road was maintained by the Highways. They should now inspect the site and ensure the safety of the pillar. Further, the agency implementing the UGD work at the Ramanathapuram junction should have taken details of the flyover from the Highways Department and dug for the UGD works at a safe distance from the pillars.
At least now, the Highways Department should monitor the UGD works periodically and ensure that measures were taken to safeguard the pillars.
“This is another instance emphasising the need for accountability for every infrastructure work taken up in the city,” he said.