Tucker Carlson exposes real estate companies 'wrecking' America
Fox News
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host discusses the implications of Gavin Newsom's attempt at fixing the housing crisis in California
The real estate development firm Marcus was one of Newsom’s biggest donors in the recent recall election. This week after surviving the recall, tragically, Gavin Newsom rewarded those real estate developers the biggest, quote, housing bill ever. Newsom just signed a series of bills, SB9 and SB10, that will abolish the suburbs in the state of California. The state that invented the suburbs. Those bills were endorsed by the California Building Industry Association, which represents, quote, "The interest of builders and developers of housing and commercial projects. They’re about to be quite a few new commercial projects in California’s suburbs." As the New York Times put it, quote, "SB9 essentially ends single-family zoning." Property owners now have the state’s approval to convert any single-family home in the state of California into a 4-unit apartment complex. How is this improving anyone’s life? It won’t. It means demolishing homes to put up rental units.
At the behest of his donors, Gavin Newsom is turning the state of California into a swamp. It’s not just happening in California, recently Oregon passed a statewide ban on single-family zoning. This is insane! Cities like Minneapolis and Sacramento have begun to allow multifamily dwellings on single-family lots. Crowding problem, anyone think? Only the government of China, by the way, appears to be doing anything to reign in real estate developers. "Housing should be living and not for speculation," said the President of China. Woo, hate to quote the president of China, but in this case, he is right one of the largest and most leveraged real estate companies in the world is collapsing and China has given the indication they’re not interested in bailing out ever again. In this country, real estate companies don’t just get bailouts, they get to write the law, wreck your neighborhood. And in many parts of America, they will be able to demolish the home next door and turn it into an apartment complex. Great!