Tuberville’s actions are horribly dangerous to our military and hurt American families
Fox News
Tuberville’s actions halting promotions are horribly dangerous to our military. The hold also hurts many military families and leaves them stuck between assignments.
Tuberville is treating our service members and their families as political pawns. For six months, he’s been blocking the promotion of every general and flag officer in the U.S. military. That’s 301 military positions and counting. Let that sink in. Democrat Senator Mark Kelly represents Arizona in the U.S. Senate. He serves on the Armed Services, Environment and Public Works, Energy and Natural Resources, Aging, and Joint Economic Committees. He is chair of the Airland Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
These are very difficult choices, even for those who are used to making enormous sacrifices in service to our country. Choices forced on them because Tuberville is single-handedly blocking the promotion of all our most senior military officers to the detriment of our military readiness, our national security and the well-being of military families.