TSCHE chairman for helpline on vaccination
The Hindu
‘Helpline should come to the rescue of students who have missed out on vaccination’
Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) chairman and professor R. Limbadri on Wednesday told Osmania University College of Engineering (UCE) authorities to create a helpline for students on issues like COVID vaccination.
Addressing a gathering at the orientation programme for the new batch of first year students of the college, he said that such a helpline should come to the rescue of students some of whom have missed out on vaccination. The TSCHE chairman also made it clear that there should not be an iota of tolerance in case of ragging by seniors.
He suggested them to approach any of the professors if they come across instances of ragging. “The body language of the new students here suggests that they are determined to achieve new heights and bring laurels not only to the institution but to their respective families,” he said.