Traffic signals remain ‘mute spectators’ at four way Cooks Road-Stephenson Road junction
The Hindu
The intersection involving Stephenson Road, Perambur High Road, Cooks Road and Govindhan Street is a stone’s throw away from Chengai Sivam Bridge, opened nearly nine months ago. The signals have reportedly not been activated since their installation
For the traffic police personnel on the beat, managing the four-way Cooks Road-Stephenson Road junction is a real juggling act. All the traffic signals at the junction — involving Stephenson Road, Perambur High Road, Cooks Road and Govindhan Street — strike a posture of indifference. The “non-cooperation” stems from a persistent lack of agency, not a periodic glitch. Reportedly, ever since the traffic signals were installed, they have not been activated. Habitues of the junction note the traffic lights are either totally inactive or strike a note of caution with a blinking amber.
With the opening of the Greater Chennai Corporation-maintained Stephenson Road Chengai Sivam Bridge nearly nine months ago, expectations around the traffic ecosystem in the region has shot up and in that light, the non-functioning traffic signals at this busy junction come across as a glaring blot on the escutcheon.
The P2 Otteri law and order police maintain a booth at the junction. The responsibility of regulating the junction rests with the traffic wing of the Pulianthope police.
The traffic planning unit (in Collaboration with Greater Chennai Corporation, if necessary) has to take step towards activating these signals.