Telegram CEO says he was ‘surprised’ by his arrest and interrogation
Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov returned to the messaging platform Thursday, saying in a lengthy post that he was surprised to have been arrested and interviewed by French authorities for four days.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov returned to the messaging platform Thursday, saying in a lengthy post that he was surprised to have been arrested and interviewed by French authorities less than two weeks ago in an investigation that has sparked debate about free speech and criminal activity online. Durov was arrested at a Paris airport amid an investigation into suspected offenses related to criminal activity on Telegram, according to French prosecutors. He was later released from police custody bail set at $5.56 million as the probe unfolds. Telegram, which Durov said had 950 million users, is used both as an everyday messaging tool and a way work around authoritative governments – but White supremacist groups and Isis also favor it. Prosecutors are also probing Durov over alleged ‘acts of violence’ against his child in Switzerland. In the Telegram post Thursday, his first since his arrest, Durov acknowledged that the app’s “abrupt increase” in users caused growing pains that made it easier for criminals to abuse the platform. “That’s why I made it my personal goal to ensure we significantly improve things in this regard. We’ve already started that process internally, and I will share more details on our progress with you very soon,” Durov said.
The DeepSeek drama may have been briefly eclipsed by, you know, everything in Washington (which, if you can believe it, got even crazier Wednesday). But rest assured that over in Silicon Valley, there has been nonstop, Olympic-level pearl-clutching over this Chinese upstart that managed to singlehandedly wipe out hundreds of billions of dollars in market cap in just a few hours and put America’s mighty tech titans on their heels.
At her first White House briefing, Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt made an unusual claim about inflation that has stung American shoppers for years: Leavitt said egg prices have continued to surge because “the Biden administration and the department of agriculture directed the mass killing of more than 100 million chickens, which has led to a lack of chicken supply in this country, therefore lack of egg supply, which is leading to the shortage.”