Tamil Nadu faces shortage of HIV test kits
The Hindu
TN facing shortage of HIV testing kits due to NACO's delayed supply. Govt. health facilities in many districts lack kits. NACO directed SACS to make local procurements for 3-6 months. Govt. doctors, networks of PLHIV, health officials & TANSACS confirm scarcity. NACO to reimburse SACS for local purchases. Screening of antenatal women stopped, surgeries done without screening, increasing risk of infection. Labs trying to get kits from other facilities.
There is a shortage of HIV testing kits in many parts of Tamil Nadu. Lack of supply from the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), which directed State AIDS Control Societies to make local procurements for a period of three to six months, has hit the availability of the kits in a number of government health facilities across the State.
Enquiries with government doctors, networks of people living with HIV/AIDS, health officials and Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society (TANSACS) revealed the kits were scarce in a number of districts.
NACO, in a letter dated June 22, said the procurement of HIV test kit 1, HIV test kit 2, HIV test kit 3 and Whole Blood Finger Prick test kit (HIV test kit 4) was under the procurement process, and delivery was likely to take some more time. To ensure smooth functioning of the programme, State AIDS Control Societies were authorised to make local procurement of HIV test kit 1 for three months (September - November 2023) and HIV test kit 2, HIV test kit 3, WBFPT for six months (June to November).
Official sources said test kits 2 and 3 were confirmatory tests, while WBFPT was used for screening, and mostly required for screening of antenatal women. “HIV kits are usually supplied by NACO. There is a crisis across the country. Tamil Nadu has granted ₹1 lakh to each district to procure the kits locally,” an official said.
However, official sources also pointed out that in many places, the procurement process was not initiated due to procedural delays and absence of guidelines. “Non-availability of test kits will make identification of cases difficult. The positive status of persons will remain unknown and there will be late identification as well,” an official explained.
Government doctors and officials confirmed that parts of Tiruvarur, Namakkal, Tiruchi, Thanjavur, Ariyalur and Perambalur districts faced shortage of kits.
“Limited testing is being done with whatever kits are available. Patients are being selected on the basis of real need. There is no HIV screening but only testing now,” a health officer said.