T.N. ropes in volunteers to provide food baskets for severely ill, undernourished TB patients
The Hindu
TN-KET prioritises nutrition of TB patients, providing food baskets and training nurses to feed them. Field staff track outcomes, observing return of appetite and weight gain. Awareness of good diet is created.
Tamil Nadu has prioritised the nutritional status of patients diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) and identified as severely ill and undernourished.
In an initiative of its own, the State TB Cell has roped in volunteers to provide food baskets containing a recommended portion of high-protein food, and in the past one year, has reached out to 38,235 patients across the State.
Under the scheme, the Tamil Nadu Kasanoi Erappila Thittam (TN-KET), the well-being of patients is assessed at the point of diagnosis. Those with very severe undernutrition or respiratory insufficiency or poor performance status (unable to stand without support) are prioritised for a comprehensive assessment and inpatient care.
“At the time of detection of TB, their height, weight and Body Mass Index and respiratory rate are measured. Through this triaging, we identify patients who are severely ill and have severe under-nutrition. Such patients are counselled and sent to government hospitals where we have trained physicians to assess and admit them. We have identified 150 such nodal centres at secondary level institutions,” Asha Frederick, State TB Officer, said.
Physicians look for co-morbid conditions and assess if the patient is ill due to TB alone, or has co-existing conditions such as diabetes, she added.
Head nurses of government medical college hospitals and some government hospitals were trained in providing formula-based food made using puffed rice powder, milk and ghee for those patients who are unable to swallow food either through spoon-feeding or through a Ryle’s tube.
“Patients are admitted for a minimum of seven days during which the side effects of TB drugs, if any, can be managed, co-morbidities such as diabetes can be controlled and nutritional counselling can be provided. We have been prioritising such severely ill patients,” she said.