Study by Energy Management Centre on Kerala State Road Transport Corporation outlines a cleaner, efficient way forward
The Hindu
Prudent energy conservation measures worth ₹124.35 crore can bring about 19,125 MTOE (million tonnes of oil equivalent) annual energy savings and annual monetary savings to the tune of ₹378.85 crore, according to the study
The Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) can make significant savings in terms of money and energy by adopting clean energy options for its fleet, according to a study conducted by the Energy Management Centre (EMC), Department of Power, Government of Kerala, and the Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA).
Prudent energy conservation measures worth ₹124.35 crore can bring about 19,125 MTOE (million tonnes of oil equivalent) annual energy savings and annual monetary savings to the tune of ₹378.85 crore, according to the study, which listed a series of measures. The projected annual carbon footprint offset is to the tune of 47,438 tCO2, it said.