Stray dog menace: Congress takes out protest
The Hindu
Corruption alleged in animal birth control programme alleged
Congress councillors took out a symbolic protest with dummy dogs to the Thrissur Corporation in protest against the civic body’s failure in controlling the increasing menace of street dogs in the city.
“The number of street dogs has increased uncontrollably in the last two years,” said Opposition leader Rajan Pallan. He was inaugurating a protest meeting in front of the corporation office alleging corruption and inefficiency of the civic body in controlling the street dog menace.
The corporation claims to have spent lakhs of money to check the street dog issue. But the programme remains on paper. He alleged huge corruption in the whole programme.
Even after repeated complaints from various fields including from the people, students and residents’ organisations, the corporation is doing nothing to control the increasing number of street dogs.
“A sterilised dog delivered five puppies in Koorkkanchery division recently,” creating suspicion about the Animal Birth Control Programme of the corporation. A stray dog delivered nine puppies in the corporation office itself. Recently a rabid dog bit a man and many other dogs in Cheroor. But the corporation is least bothered about the development,” Opposition leader said.
The police stopped the protesters at the corporation entrance.