Standing Committee on Economic Statistics renamed
The Hindu
The government on August 9 said Standing Committee on Economic Statistics has been renamed as Standing Committee on Statistics.
The government on August 9 said Standing Committee on Economic Statistics has been renamed as Standing Committee on Statistics.
The Committee will advise Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) on all surveys.
"The government has formed various Committees after the year 1947...including Standing Committee on Economic Statistics (SCES)," Minister of State for Statistics Rao Inderjit Singh said in a written reply to Lok Sabha.
He further said SCES was renamed as Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS), which was constituted vide a MoSPI order dated July 13, 2023.
SCoS will review the extant framework and address the issues raised from time to time on the subject/results/methodology, etc related to all surveys as brought before SCoS by MoSPI. It will advise on survey methodology including sampling frame, sampling design, survey instruments, etc and to finalise tabulation plan of surveys. It will also aid finalisation of survey results.
The panel will provide guidance to conduct pilot surveys/pre-testing, if necessary, before finalising schedules for data collection. It will also provide guidance for study and exploring the availability of administrative statistics relating to surveys/statistics.