Skoda-VW Aurangabad plant now 100% green
The Hindu
The Volkswagen Group’s Aurangabad facility, which said it would be a 100% green energy by 2025, has
The Volkswagen Group’s Aurangabad facility, which said it would be a 100% green energy by 2025, has already achieved its target.
Skoda Auto Volkswagen India Private Limited (SAVWIPL) manages five brands in India — Skoda, Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche and Lamborghini. With this, the group has taken another significant step towards fulfilling its ‘goTOzero mission’. The facility received its Green Energy Certificate from the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company (MSEDCL).
“Sustainability is a key pillar of the Group’s corporate strategy,” said Piyush Arora, managing director and CEO of SAVWIPL. “goTOzero is not only a roadmap for effective climate protection, it is also an initiative towards sustainable mobility.”
In 2018, the Aurangabad plant increased its capacity usage of ‘green’ energy and commissioned a 980kWp rooftop solar power plant to meet 40% of its annual energy requirement. By replacing the external energy supply with renewable energy from MSEDCL, the plant has become the first automotive facility in Aurangabad to be certified as a Green Energy Plant by MSEDCL.
With this transition to ‘green’ energy, the Aurangabad plant will achieve 48% reduction in CO 2 every year. As part of its ‘goTOzero’ mission, SAVWIPL says it aims to become a carbon-neutral company by 2050.

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