Skilled transgender persons in Kozhikode struggle to launch self-employment ventures
The Hindu
They say government financial institutions reluctant to give loans
A city that is home to many welfare projects for the empowerment of marginalised people is yet to live up to the expectations of its transgender persons who are struggling to find a source of sustainable income. Lacking financial support and guidance, self-employment projects launched earlier focusing on food and garment-based ventures are no longer an attraction for them.
There are highly-skilled middle-aged persons in the community who have completed over 10 short-term courses with an intention to set up their own ventures. They say that no government sector bank or financial institution is ready to simplifying the existing loan sanctioning procedures for them.
“Government figures show that there are about 350 transgender persons in Kozhikode district. Amidst this pandemic situation, we are badly in need of financial aid to start our own ventures. Will it become a reality if banks continue to insist on collateral security?” asks Cicily George, a transgender activist in Kozhikode city. She adds that there are many who run pillar to post for getting a small rented facility for business purposes.