Researchers meld AI and genomics to find thousands of new viruses Premium
The Hindu
Discover the ecological significance of viruses, their role in biodiversity, and the potential for pandemic preparedness through genomics and machine-learning.
For most of modern history, people have overlooked viruses even though they are the most abundant biological entity on the planet and carry immense ecological significance. Viruses are found in every nook and corner of the world — from soil and water to the atmosphere and even extreme environments like hot springs and hydrothermal vents.
Viruses are obligate parasites: they require a host to infect and replicate. This relationship goes both ways. Thanks to advances in research, scientists are increasingly recognising viruses as agents of disease but also as being integral components of ecosystems. Viruses drive genetic evolution through horizontal gene transfer, control microbial population balance, and even affect biogeochemical cycles.
They essay critical roles in maintaining biodiversity and may even influence climate regulation. Understanding their influence is thus key to unravelling the complexities of life on the earth. Yet only a small fraction of the roughly 100 million to a trillion viral species has been identified to date.
Beyond their environmental roles, understanding viruses is crucial for us to anticipate emerging infectious diseases. Some studies have estimated there are around 300,000 mammalian viruses yet to be discovered, many of which pose zoonotic threats. Unlike microbes, which scientists have studied using culture-based methods, viruses have remained understudied because of challenges to culturing them.
The rapidly improving scale and declining costs of nucleotide sequencing has resulted in the widespread use of genome-sequencing approaches to understand microbes in the environment, particularly in metagenomics studies. These approaches have transformed our ability to explore the vast diversity of microbes and viruses in the last decade. In a metagenomic study, researchers analyse genetic material directly from environmental samples, allowing them to identify and study an organism without the need for culturing organic material like tissues in an intermediate step.
In recent years, metagenomics has helped scientists identify a staggering number of previously unknown microbes in diverse environments. These discoveries have significantly expanded our understanding of microbial ecosystems. As sequencing technologies continue to improve — becoming more accurate, faster, and more affordable — alongside better global data-sharing practices, scientists are beginning to unlock the secrets of the microbial world at an unprecedented pace.
In this regard, RNA viruses are of especial significance primarily because they mutate rapidly and adapt quickly to new conditions. More specifically, DNA viruses have more stable genomes and their genome-replicating mechanism makes fewer ‘mistakes’ when they proliferate — whereas RNA viruses replicate faster with higher error rates. This characteristic is also particularly relevant in the context of emerging infectious diseases: COVID-19, Ebola, and influenza are all caused by RNA viruses.

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