Regina to roll out green bins as it prepares to launch organic waste program in September
The City of Regina will begin delivering green bins to houses throughout the city this weekend, marking the start of its residential organic waste pickup service.
Approximately 67,000 green carts will be delivered Monday to Saturday throughout August, with the city-wide service starting Sept. 4.
"Residents will be receiving their green cart and zip-tied to the back of it will be their kitchen catcher," said Janet Aird, the City of Regina's manager of program development and delivery for water, waste and environment.
"The kitchen catcher is to be taken inside, and there's a bunch of information [and] materials about the program in the kitchen catcher and then [it] can be placed on your counter to collect your materials to take to your green cart for disposal."
All food scraps, including meat, bones, dairy and greases, as well as yard waste and soiled paper products like paper towel, cardboard and tissues can be placed in the green bin.
The carts will be collected weekly between April and October and then biweekly between November and March.
Garbage will also switch to being collected biweekly year-round as of September.
If you're worried that the bins will stink, Aird said the city received a limited number of odour related complaints during their pilot program.
The start of the organic waste pickup service also signals a soon-to-be-implemented model for how Regina residents pay for waste services.
City council voted in October, to embrace use-pay model for all of its waste services.
Currently, the fee for recycling (collected in blue carts) shows up on utility bills, while regular garbage collection (gathered in brown carts) falls under property taxes.
Starting on Jan. 1, 2024, recycling, garbage collection and organic waste collection will be displayed on a resident's utility bill.
Through this program, residents will be able to chose between the current 360-litre cart and a smaller 240-litre cart.
If households choose the smaller 240-litre cart the annual fee will be $193.45, or $16.12 per month. Those with a 360-litre container will pay $284.70 per year, or $23.73 per month.