Realising the potential of ‘maitri’ and ‘mateship’
The Hindu
Deepening investments in Australia-India strategic, economic, and community ties highlight their stronger relationship
Australia is celebrating India’s 75 years of Independence by making the largest single investment in our bilateral relationship.
We do so because Australia and India share a long and special relationship, one we are now working together to make even stronger.
We are natural partners because we are each ancient and modern countries and cultures, vibrant and full of energy and optimism.
Australia recognises the depth and diversity of India’s magnificent culture. We know the importance of connection to history.
Like India, Australia’s story stretches back tens of thousands of years. Australia’s Indigenous peoples are custodians of the oldest continuing civilisation in the world: which is why the Australian government was delighted to return 29 culturally significant artefacts to the people of India this month.
Even our words for friendship have a similar ring: India says maitri, Australians say mateship. Both stand for respect, understanding and equality. Friends looking out for each other.
That is the warm friendship shared between our Prime Ministers, The Hon Shri Narendra Modi and The Hon Scott Morrison MP.