Putin is operationalizing anti-submarine warfare doctrine against the US homeland, Pentagon must pay attention
Fox News
The Pentagon says that Putin's warships and nuclear-powered attack submarine operating off the coast of Florida are not a threat. The Pentagon had better revise its threat assessment criteria.
Rebekah Koffler is a strategic military intelligence analyst and a freelance editorial writer. She is the author of Putin’s Playbook; Regnery 2021, and the host of a podcast "Censored But Not Silenced." Rebekah also is the Author of American Bolsheviks: The Persecution of Donald Trump and the Sovietization of America; Post Hill Press, November 12, 2024. Twitter: @rebekah0132
As a former senior intelligence analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), my expertise is on Russian war-fighting strategy and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s mindset. It is my intelligence assessment, made with high confidence, that although Putin’s recent deployment presented no immediate danger, it is indeed a grave threat to the U.S. homeland and here’s why.