PT-7’s reported vision loss kicks up a row
The Hindu
Elephant lovers seek clarification from Chief Wildlife Warden
A controversy has erupted over the revelation that Dhoni’s wild elephant PT-7, captured and currently in confinement, has visual impairment in one of its eyes. The District Elephant Lovers Group on Saturday wrote to the Chief Wildlife Warden seeking his clarification on the probable cause of the visual impairment.
The Forest authorities said it was too early to confirm any visual impairment for the elephant. They said that they had noticed some issues with the left eye of the elephant when it was captured from Dhoni forest on January 22. “Water was oozing out of the eye. That issue has been addressed through medication,” said Palakkad Divisional Forest Officer Sreenivas Kurra.
However, it took several months for the vets to get closer to the animal, which was put in a kraal set up at Dhoni. Forest veterinarians are of the opinion that the visual impairment, if caused through some injury, can be treated and cured.
“We need to examine the elephant closely when it lies down. That stage has not come. The tusker is still in the kraal,” said Mr. Kurra. He said that they could not say for sure the reason for the partial sight impairment. It could be due to pellets or fight with other elephants, he said.
A committee that examined the elephant following a directive from the High Court would submit its report to the court on the health of PT-7 and the presence of pellets on its body.
Elephant Lovers Group president Haridas Machingal, expressing concern at the partial loss of vision for PT-7, demanded that action be initiated against those responsible for causing injury to the elephant.
However, when Mr. Machingal sought details from the Forest department through the Right to Information Act, he was told that there was no pellet on the animal’s body at the time of capture. But it was reported in sections of the media that over a dozen pellets were recovered from the body.