Psoriasis patients contend with lack of awareness, lifestyle choices and insurance cover Premium
The Hindu
This year’s theme for World Psoriasis Day observed was ‘Access for all’. Dermatologists treating psoriasis say lack of awareness about the condition and treatment leads to stigmatisation, even pushing people to consider ending their lives.
This year’s theme for World Psoriasis Day observed was ‘Access for all’. Dermatologists treating psoriasis say lack of awareness about the condition and treatment leads to stigmatisation, even pushing people to consider ending their lives.
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Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that manifests as rashes usually on the face, elbows, knees and later spreads across the skin. There are many kinds of psoriasis and among them, the most common is psoriasis vulgaris. But there are also severe manifestations, leaving patients bedridden or with gnarled fingers. The condition could be inherited, as in the case of V. Harish, 56, who was first diagnosed with arthritic psoriasis 15 years ago. He is among the 30% of patients who have joint involvements.
He underwent physiotherapy to stem further damage to his gnarled fingers. “My father also had psoriatic arthritis. Your lifestyle, food habits matter. I can tell you stress is a solid trigger,” he said. Post-retirement he invested heavily in a cooperative bank in Bengaluru which later declared bankruptcy. The stressful situation triggered a relapse, Mr. Harish recalled.
“The medication is very expensive, but I was covered under group insurance. I had to take injections costing ₹35,000 every fortnight. I needed seven to eight doses before I could function reasonably. I am on tablets now but over the years we become resistant to medicines and the condition relapses,” said Mr. Harish, among the lucky few whose family stood by him even when he was bed-ridden.
For 32-year-old G. Arun Kumar, who was diagnosed nearly three years ago, it has been a struggle. “People will not talk to me easily. They will avoid sitting with me at the same table during lunch. They think I have skin cancer as there are red patches on my face and hands,” he said. His mother died of COVID-19 in April 2021 and in October of that year, he was diagnosed with psoriasis. Medication has controlled the spread. Ever since he began cooking his food at home he has better control over his condition. “For the past three months, I have started cooking and it has helped as I don’t eat outside. A fever or stress aggravates the disease,” he added.
Muralidhar Rajagopalan, senior consultant dermatologist at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai says the non-communicable autoimmune disease occurs due to inflammation as the body attacks the skin through various mediators, for various reasons. “The lifestyle-induced disease can be mitigated by exercise and controlling obesity. Alcohol and smoking worsen psoriasis,” he said. “Change in lifestyle in our country could be a reason cases are increasing. Increased awareness has resulted in more patients seeking help.”