P.T. Rajan Park in Woraiyur crying for attention
The Hindu
P.T. Rajan Park in Woraiyur lacks basic amenities, with broken equipment, glass shards, and anti-social behavior deterring visitors.
The P.T. Rajan Park in Woraiyur remains a put off for visitors due to poor maintenance and lack of basic amenities.
The public toilets for men and women inside the park remain closed. There is no water supply in the public taps. Many of the lights, slides, and swings at the park are either broken or defunct.
The residents complain that anti-social elements could often be seen drinking alcohol and smoking ganja which deters people from using the park. Shards of glass can be seen on the walking area which is mainly used by elders.
Due to the lack of maintenance, a couple of swings are in a broken condition much to the disappointment of children. One of the two slides is also in a damaged state and poses a threat to the safety of the children. Children may fall through the gaping hole, apprehend the residents.
“The problems have not been addressed for long. Restrooms are essential for women and children. The damaged slides and swings, besides the presence of glass shards, pose a danger to children and other visitors,” said V. Murugesan, a resident.
“We have floated tenders to renovate the park. The water pipes were closed as we found that people were wasting water. The bathrooms had to be closed as they were misused by anti-social elements. Pipes and wires, meant for improving lighting, were stolen from the park and it could not be fixed.” said a Corporation official.