Oregon school teaches kids 'antiracist' curriculum on why 'being color blind is not the best choice'
Fox News
Oregon's Errol Hassell Elementary School taught kids in their curriculum about systemic racism, microaggressions and why they shouldn't be color blind.
Errol Hassell Elementary school taught children about microaggressions and systemic racism as part of a 21-day antiracist challenge. (Fox News ) Errol Hassell Elementary School describes examples of microaggressions as part of a 21-day challenge on antiracism. (Fox News) Errol Hassell Elementary School in Beaverton, Oregon, lists out examples of microaggressions to children. (Fox News) The Oregon school located in the Beaverton instructed children on how to respond when they are microaggressed. (Fox News ) Hannah Grossman is an associate editor at Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent on Twitter: @GrossmanHannah.
"This challenge is for all of us, staff and students," the curriculum said. "Each day, for the first 21 school days of 2022, we will gather as a school and learn about social justice together."
Teachers were also instructed that if a child asked a question that made them feel uncomfortable, they should "write them down" and a staff member would come in and address them.