Opinion | Will our celebrities please show up?
The Hindu
One expects involvement from celebrities and influencers with relief efforts because their fandom is the people
Where are our celebrities? While regular people have been displaying extraordinary courage and ability during this crisis — verifying leads on oxygen, beds, plasma, and mobilising and taking action — Indian celebrities, for the most part, have stayed silent. But this is the time to show up! International celebrities like podcast host Jay Shetty have raised a lot of money [$36,88,981 in a virtual fundraiser on May 1]. And actor Priyanka Chopra is doing it relentlessly on Twitter, highlighting the situation in India and delivering an impassioned plea for people to donate, calling for action on supply of vaccines, and sharing a video with news clips capturing the true horror of the situation. To do something like this, you need guts. And persistence.More Related News

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