Oakley Carlson's foster mom says she raised red flags about biological parents years before girl went missing
Fox News
The former foster parents of missing Washington 6-year-old Oakley Carlson said they reached out to state authorities a half-dozen times to raise concerns about the girl’s biological parents before police discovered she’d vanished late last year.
Hiles provided a series of purported emails in which she and her husband, Erik Hiles, raised concerns over Oakley’s circumstances with state child welfare officials – who she accused ignored her warnings before Oakley was returned to her parents’ custody. (Jamie Jo Hiles) Hiles provided a series of purported emails in which she and her husband, Erik Hiles, raised concerns over Oakley’s circumstances with state child welfare officials – who she accused ignored her warnings before Oakley was returned to her parents’ custody. (Jamie Jo Hiles) Hiles provided a series of purported emails in which she and her husband, Erik Hiles, raised concerns over Oakley’s circumstances with state child welfare officials – who she accused ignored her warnings before Oakley was returned to her parents’ custody. (Jamie Jo Hiles) Hiles provided a series of purported emails in which she and her husband, Erik Hiles, raised concerns over Oakley’s circumstances with state child welfare officials – who she accused ignored her warnings before Oakley was returned to her parents’ custody. (Jamie Jo Hiles) Oakley Carlson and her former foster parents Jamie Jo and Erik Hiles in an undated image. (Jamie Jo Hiles) Oakley Carlson in an undated image. (Jamie Jo Hiles) Oakley Carlson in an undated image. (Jamie Jo Hiles)
"There were red flags before Oakley even returned home (to her biological parents)," Hiles said. "Oakley came home from a visit one time and told me she saw violence. I expressed that to the social worker, and the social worker still was like, ‘Oh, I’m not worried about it."