NYC father says parents must fight critical race theory: Country 'will fracture' if it's not reversed
Fox News
New York City father Andrew Gutmann, who went viral after he wrote a letter explaining he pulled his daughter out of private school because of their critical race theory curriculum shared what he has heard from parents since writing the viral letter.
"I have gotten thousands and thousands of emails to me and in one sense they've been overwhelmingly supportive, which is great. People have said they feel now empowered to speak up for their kids and their kids' education." Gutmann penned a letter to fellow parents back in April, criticizing his daughter's school and saying that their obsession with race must stop. The letter went viral, sparking controversy for the Brearley School which reportedly has a yearly tuition of $54,000. Gutmann was surprised by the reaction to his letter and had no idea so many other parents were in similar situations. "The flip side of that is I had no idea how entrenched and pervasive this critical race theory and anti-racism initiatives were in schools across the country. I knew it was in New York and California. I had no idea it was in public, private, religious schools in all 50 states. That's really the scary part. We really need to fight this to get it out of our schools," Gutmann said.More Related News