NY Times columnist calls out his fellow liberals: Stop ‘stereotyping and belittling’ Trump supporters
Fox News
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof told liberals to stop belittling Trump supporters, saying many are dealing with hard times and just looking for someone to hear their concerns.
"It has also seemed to me morally offensive, particularly when well-educated and successful elites are scorning disadvantaged, working-class Americans who have been left behind economically and socially and in many cases are dying young," he wrote in the Saturday piece. Gabriel Hays is an associate editor for Fox News Digital.
The journalist approvingly cited Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention where the former president told Democrats how to treat people in red states: "I urge you not to demean them, but not to pretend you don’t disagree with them if you do. Treat them with respect — just the way you’d like them to treat you."