Nebraska cheerleader competes alone at state competition after squad backs out: 'Proud of myself'
Fox News
Morrill High School senior Katrina Kohel was the only cheerleader to represent her cheer squad at the Nebraska state competition after the rest of the team backed out last minute.
"This is not something I would normally do by any means, but I didn't want to end my senior year on a low note," she added. "I guess you could say I wanted to go out with a bang." "I'm just proud of myself for being willing to step out there and do it." "I feel like this is a story for everyone. Never quit. Just stand up, just keep going. Whatever the adversities are, just keep going." "You're going be challenged every day of your life. So just don't back down. You're stronger than you think you are." Gretchen Eichenberg is a contributing reporter for Fox News Digital.
When the rest of her already-very-small cheer squad couldn't make it to the state competition at the last minute, Katrina decided to go at it alone (SEE THE VIDEO at the top of this article).