NC man pays off entire student loan of $28K — 'Cannot describe how happy'
Fox News
Bruce Paulson of N.C., who runs his own business, shared his story of paying off his student loan of $28K in full — and said college was a mistake for him.
"I had zero dollars when I graduated from college, and I could not wrap my head around owing almost $30K." "The market, for the most part, does not value college. No client I have ever had cared that I went to college. They never even asked." "Taking responsibility for my error and finally paying it off has been great for me." "The only person who could break and devalue my word was myself — and I was not going do that." "I will be able to navigate adverse economic conditions much better than the average person." Elizabeth Economou is a contributing lifestyle reporter for Fox News Digital.
Though that's a long stretch of time, he also noted, "If I hadn't made the extra payments toward the principal those first few years, it would have taken much longer."
Based in North Carolina, Paulson, 42, recently received confirmation from Navient, the financial services company that managed his loan, that he had paid off his student loan debt in full.