My Husband's Medical Team Was Failing Him. Then A Stranger Stepped In And Said 6 Words That Saved His Life.
"At a time when the universe had robbed me — of my husband’s health and companionship, of security, contentment and peace of mind — she offered me a gift."
Ten minutes after my husband arrived in his hospital room, the space throbbed with doctors, nurses, therapists and technicians. Warnings beeped on machines. White coats huddled and whispered. And then Joel was rushed back out the door, gurney wheels spinning, propelled by a fleet of scrubs in sprint mode.
We had just returned from the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Our next trip would be from Wisconsin to Portland, Oregon, to welcome our first grandchild. But first, Joel elected to have a hip replacement. He counted on it to improve his quality of life.
Instead, a nick from the retractor caused a life-threatening bleed that set off a cascade of catastrophes. Within a few hours, he went from a healthy, active, 63-year-old to an unconscious, life-support-dependent ICU patient. Kidney failure followed, plus an obstructed colon and compartment syndrome — all complications of what should have been a routine procedure.
To make matters worse, the doctor who fucked up his hip replacement was in charge of fixing the mistake.
I had trusted too much — the doctors, the hospital, the statistics proclaiming hip replacement common and safe.