My ‘bathroom divorce’ saved my marriage — my husband is disgusting, but I now have ‘toilet nirvana’
NY Post
“You’re disgusting!”
That was the bathroom battle cry of Debbie Wiener, whose home was the scene of endless toilet turmoil when she and her husband shared a bathroom.
Wiener, a retired interior designer, decided last year that it was time to end the tyranny of the toilet and opt for a bathroom divorce. It’s not unlike a sleep divorce, in which couples have their own dedicated spaces for slumber to stay off each other’s nerves. But with a bathroom divorce, other functions are at hand.
“As you get older, your gastrointestinal needs change,” Wiener said. “My husband’s habits didn’t age well. One toilet was not cutting it.”
Wiener, 66 — who doesn’t poo-poo toilet talk — hated her bathroom ever since she and her husband, Jim Weinberger, 67, bought their house on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. That was in 2011, when their two sons were teenagers.
They lived — although miserably — with a bathroom connected to the primary bedroom on the ground floor.