Muddle Over Puddles: Jaggu finds the answer
The Hindu
Pari and Diya take Puddles to Jaggu. Can he help them resolve the mystery?
Story so far: Pari decides to take Puddles to the Animal Boy and find out if she’s a jackal or a dog.
“Hello Sheetal aunty,” said Diya, as Mrs. Kumar answered the door. “I’m going to teacher’s house to get the notes. Can Pari come along?” Pari was surprised to see Diya when she opened her bedroom door.
“I’ll go with you, Pari. Aunty Mira’s house isn’t too far from Jaggu’s place,” smiled Diya. Picking up Puddles from the garage, they headed out. On the way, Puddles jumped out of the basket and into a bush nearby. Pari screamed and dived after Puddles.
When she emerged with the pup in her arms, Diya shrieked, “What’s that?” She pointed to something stringy dangling from Puddles’ mouth. Before the girls could do anything, it disappeared into her mouth. Pari stuffed Puddles into the basket and they ran to Jaggu’s house. Luckily, Jaggu was in the courtyard playing marbles.
“Jaggu,” shrieked Pari, and thrust Puddles in his arms. “Tell Puddles to vomit.”
Jaggu’s eyebrows shot up. “Vomit?”
“Puddles ate something with a tail. Get it out,” barked Pari.