Meet the American who reported the first sensational UFO encounters, Puritan leader John Winthrop
Fox News
Meet the American who shared sensational accounts of UFO encounters. John Winthrop was the leader of the Massachusetts Bay Colony — his journal of colonial life is essential to American history.
"John Winthrop’s journal has long served as a cornerstone of … historical scholarship." — Massachusetts Historical Society "His energies seemed prodigious and inexhaustible." "For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill." — John Winthrop, 1630 He reported mystifying events that defy explanation. "James Everell, a sober, discreet man, and two others, saw a great light in the night at Muddy River." — John Winthrop "Most UFO witnesses, like Everell or Winthrop, are serious, sober individuals." — UFO expert Nick Pope Kerry J. Byrne is a lifestyle reporter with Fox News Digital.
The first known UFO encounter in America was recorded in 1639 by pious Puritan and prolific journal-keeper John Winthrop. He is a foundational figure in the national pantheon and leader of the Massachusetts Bay Colony as it settled Boston.
Winthrop’s sensational account of "a great light in the night" was witnessed by a group of "sober, discreet" and "credible persons" over Muddy River in Boston — a trickle of a creek that today wraps around American sports landmark Fenway Park.