Meet the American who invented the folding beach chair, Fredric Arnold, WWII hero, innovator, artist, actor
Fox News
Artist and World War II combat pilot Fredric Arnold famously invented the collapsible beach chair, but his most important work was a monumental tribute to American war heroes.
"He was a sensitive artist who ended up killing and [was] at risk of being killed in combat." — son Marc Arnold "There’s no question in my mind that he was a skilled aviator." — Dr. John M. Curatola, National World War II Musuem "I squared my helmet and adjusted my goggles over my forehead, trying to hide the Jewish star sewn into my helmet." — Major Fredric Arnold "We vowed to each other that whoever was left standing would do something to honor the twelve." — Major Fredric Arnold "I had fired at them, killed them, yet never really seen them." — Major Arnold "Fredric Arnold is truly a national treasure, both as a Fighter Pilot of WWII who survived 50 combat missions and as a talented sculptor." — Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairmen Powell, Myers, Pace Kerry J. Byrne is a lifestyle reporter with Fox News Digital.
The death he witnessed and inflicted in war was in deep contrast with the mild-mannered child prodigy artist from Chicago who spent the rest of his life as a creator: drawing, writing, acting and inventing.
"He was a sensitive artist who ended up killing and [was] at risk of being killed in combat," his son, Marc Arnold, told Fox News Digital.