Maine lawmakers consider funds to treat moth invasion in cities and towns
Fox News
Lawmakers in Maine are considering a new fund that will assist people in local cities and towns in an overabundance of moths that cause itchy rashes.
The fund would start with $150,000 in grants in the 2022-23 fiscal year. The money could be used by municipalities and nonprofit groups for activities that control the spread of the moth, such as hiring arborists and pesticide applicators and renting equipment to clip down moth nests, said the bill's sponsor, Democratic Rep. Allison Hepler of Woolwich.
The moth arrived in Maine a century ago, and entomologists said last year was the worst year for browntail moth infestations in its history. The moth is also found in Massachusetts.
"It's a problem. And it's not going away," Hepler said. "It's just a way to help small towns, to spread out the resources."