MAGA Boat Parade Dude Snaps At CNN Reporter: 'Nobody Gave Me S**t!'
The journalist prodded the Trump supporter a bit and got a sassy earful.
A MAGA boat parade participant got salty at a CNN correspondent’s suggestion that he was well off and might not be so affected by economic concerns. (Watch the video below.)
Elle Reeve conducted the interviews with a Panama City, Florida, flotilla of Donald Trump supporters and shared them on host Anderson Cooper’s show Wednesday.
Reeve asked one man what his most important issue was for the election. “The economy,” he replied. “Getting interest rates down, getting it where we can afford to live in America. Right now, it’s too expensive.”
Reeve then goaded him a bit.
“OK now, let me maybe ask like a slightly impolite question. ... If you can afford a boat, you’re not hurting so bad, right? Because a boat costs a lot of money and it’s a lot of upkeep.”