Local bodies in Ernakulam with high test positivity rate facing multiple challenges
The Hindu
Reluctance to undergo COVID-19 testing a problem in some Category D panchayats
The local bodies figuring in Category D based on the average weekly test positivity rate (TPR) of above 15% are facing multiple challenges in their efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. Some panchayats had pointed out a reluctance on the part of people to undergo testing. Chellanam, which figured top in Category D with a TPR of 26.33%, is facing such a scenario, according to the panchayat authorities. “Many were hesitant to undergo testing fearing that their livelihood would be hit badly. Being a coastal region, several families depend on daily wages and the worsening financial crisis seems to be making them think twice before undergoing the test,” said K.D. Prasad, panchayat president. “We have ramped up the tests in all wards. Nearly 26 of the 41 persons who took the test in Wards 15 and 16 tested positive on Friday. They claimed lack of any symptoms as a reason for not turning up at the testing centres,” he said.More Related News