Kochi-based Swiss designer makes rug that defies stereotypical representation of women
The Hindu
Vanessa Meister Varma’s statement rug features women of diverse ethnicities and physical attributes
During the early lockdown months, Vanessa Meister Varma painted close to 100 portraits of women. They were diverse — with different hairstyles, skin types, nose shapes, with and without make-up. The Kochi-based Swiss designer and creative consultant says the project was an exploration of the female identity. “I am a woman who works with visuals and I found myself thinking of ways to change the way women are portrayed in the mainstream media,” she says.
Vanessa used 16 of her portraits to design a rug for Neytt, a home furnishings brand by Cherthala-based company Extraweave. “When we think of rugs, the usual images that come to mind are geometric and abstract patterns. But I wanted mine to be figurative, to have a message, to tell a story,” Vanessa says. When she discussed the idea with the team from Neytt, they shared her enthusiasm.