July Fourth blessings on America, with lessons from the red, white and blue
Fox News
As we celebrate our nation’s independence on the Fourth of July, no greater symbol more visibly displays the call to patriotism than our American flag.
Rev. Dr. Russell J. Levenson Jr. is the rector of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Houston, Texas, and the author of "Witness to Dignity: The Life and Faith of George H.W. and Barbara Bush."
The end result was spelled out in the fabric of Old Glory – white stars on a blue background, with alternating stripes of red and white. The stars would grow in number as the states did... from the original 13 to the 50 there now. Blue, the symbol for vigilance, perseverance, justice and freedom. White for purity and innocence. And Red, hardiness, courage, valor and, of course, the price of blood so often paid for the freedom we now enjoy.
For those who love our country and all for which it stands, when called to pledge our allegiance – we stand, we remove our hats, we silence our conversation. We place our hands over our hearts and we promise yet again our loyalty – as we should – to the essential intangible qualities of a free land entrusted to our care by God Almighty.