Jewish survivor of Hamas Oct. 7 terror attack is 'still reeling,' pleads for peace in Israel
Fox News
Edna Gefner, 28, raised in Israel three miles from the Gaza border — close to where the Supernova Sukkot music festival took place and where Hamas struck on Oct. 7 — shares a terror-filled story.
She went from being a normal millennial thinking about her future to believing she was now in the Holocaust. Gefner and her parents and boyfriend woke to the sound of civil defense sirens ... not unusual. Then the sirens sounded for a second time — then a third. The decision was made that if they were going to die, they would die together. "The devil was inside our whole house, in our home. And my father began to say goodbye to my mom." Would the terrorist try to shoot through the safe room? "It's very simple. Israel has to destroy Hamas." Lauren Green currently serves as Fox News Channel's (FNC) chief religion correspondent based in the New York bureau. She joined FNC in 1996. Her new book is "Lighthouse Faith: God as a Living Reality in a World Immersed in Fog." She is host of Fox News Digital's "Spirited Debate."
People were saying, "I can hear them screaming, ‘Kill the Jews!’" she said.