Iran’s latest purge
Fox News
While Iran has fallen off of the American public's radar, and talks of restoring the Obama-era nuclear deal have stalled, Iran has been conducting a spree of arrests.
Amy Kellogg currently serves as a correspondent based in Milan. She joined FOX News Channel (FNC) in 1999 as a Moscow-based correspondent. Follow her on Twitter: @amykelloggfox
That, in itself is nothing new, and could also fail to crackle on radar. But there is an intensity about this latest round of arrests that former Iranian diplomat Mehrdad Khonsari says merits a powerful expression of outrage from the West.
"I’m particularly surprised at the Biden administration because, it has been, and rightly so, engaged in trying to resolve this nuclear issue, but they have omitted taking into consideration at any level the ordinary people of Iran," Khonsari tells Fox News, attributing this lack of focus on human rights in part to Washington not wanting to further alienate Tehran so as to keep it at the table. "Sadly, it’s become a ritual — talking about human rights — where people say it without really meaning it. But here they haven’t said it. People in Iran want to know their plight is recognized."