'Indiana Jones civilization' 2,000-year-old temple found submerged off Italian coast
Fox News
An ancient temple was found submerged off the coast of Italy which belonged to the Nabataean kingdom, who built Petra's famous Treasury featured in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
"When I was a student, I was impressed by the presence of some Nabatean material found somewhere in the sea in Puteoli since the XVIII century, and I was also astonished that nobody really organized a hunt for this impressive historical testimony.," said Michele Stefanile, a maritime archaeologist at the Southern Graduate School in Naples to Fox News Digital. Jasmine is a writer at Fox News Digital and a military spouse based in New Orleans. Stories can be sent to jasmine.baehr@fox.com
The temple lies near Pozzuoli, around 10 miles east of Naples. During Roman times, Pozzuoli was known as Puteoli and served as a trading port.
In 2023, researchers mapping the seafloor discovered two submerged rooms with Roman-style walls. The rooms, about 32 by 16 feet, contained two white marble altars, each with rectangular recesses that likely held sacred stones."It seems that we have a building dedicated to the Nabataean gods, but with Roman architecture and Latin inscription," Stefanile said to Live Science.