Human rights panel moved over pothole peril
The Hindu
Man, who hurt his spine while navigating a pothole, invokes Right to Life guarantee
The Telangana State Human Rights Commission (TSHRC) has issued a notice over a pothole after a citizen invoked the Right to Life guarantee under Article 21 of Indian Constitution. “The potholes are all over the city and causing health issues to most of the citizens’ lives since the GHMC is not paying attention. This is violating my right to life which includes right to a clean environment under Article 21 of Indian Constitution,” was the plea made by Vinay Vangala after he hurt his spine while navigating a pothole near Chandanagar. The TSHRC has asked the Chandanagar police to find the ownership of the road stretch that had the pothole due to which Mr. Vangala was injured. “…Whether they have collected any information/material to the effect whether the road on which the alleged pothole is there belongs to GHMC or State Highways and what’s the action taken so far,” says the SHRC notice to Chandanagar Police.More Related News