Hollywood since the #MeToo Movement
The Hindu
Television as courtroom, caution, catharsis, and a means to ask the question; how many women?
With the news currently boiling over with stories of sexual assault, rape, and abuse by people in power across industries, be it entertainment, religious institutions, or politics, safe spaces in media consumption are of prime importance in order for individual and collective healing to be possible. Cavalier treatments towards victims of abuse have for decades, created cultural echo chambers where (mostly) powerful men are given passes and platforms, furthering the trauma of survivors, both directly and indirectly affected. . Be it screentime, paychecks, or credit, the public eye has been manipulated into accepting gender disparity, but it is behind the curtains, the big screen, and the box office that the most sinister manifestation of this power imbalance lies. What #MeToo did, as a movement was bring about national — and even to this day — international discourse surrounding consent, male privilege, representation, power, and success.More Related News