High number of all A+ in SSLC exams may complicate higher secondary admissions
The Hindu
A+ for all subjects may not guarantee students their choice in course, school
The extremely high number of students with A+ in all subjects in this year’s SSLC examinations may complicate the higher secondary admission scenario. The number of students having all A+ has registered an almost three-fold increase from 42,000 last year to over 1.21 lakh this year and that coupled with the near 100% pass is feared to lead to a mad scramble for admissions to preferred courses and even schools. For instance, a school in Malappuram registered 590 all A+, which means that all these students may not get admission to the course of their choice in their own school where they are supposed to have a priority. Even after accounting for the students who may choose alternatives like ITI and polytechnic courses, there still could be excessive pressure for admissions to the over 3.62 lakh higher secondary seats across government, aided and unaided schools in the State. Students may have to go for more options in terms of both courses and schools this time unlike the past when A+ for all subjects somewhat guaranteed their choice of course, education sources said.More Related News