Halloween candy can teach your kids key lessons about taxes and America — here's how
Fox News
As millions of American children get ready to go trick-or-treating for Halloween this year, here's a fun and educational exercise that parents can try out on their young ones — for lifelong learning.
Try out this (tax) plan to pace the candy consumption in your home — while also teaching your kids about taxes and how America runs. (Since when has that subject ever been so sweet — or tart! — as the case may be?) Remind them that Mom and Dad work hard in their jobs to earn money that helps pay for your house, food, clothes, cars and toys. You can explain to your kids, basically, that the more money you make, the more you will pay in taxes. You’ll need to take away more candy from your Californian and New Yorker — but your little Floridian won’t need to pay one Snickers more. You might ask them, "If your candy taxes were money, how would you hope your government leaders would spend it?" Britt Riner is a lifestyle contributing writer for Fox News Digital.
Here's how to do it.