Goren Bridge: Percentage play
The Hindu
East-West vulnerable, South deals
South won the opening diamond lead with his ace and saw that he had 10 easy tricks if the missing trumps split 3-2. There is a small chance that this trump combination can be played for no losers — West starting with 10 doubleton or East starting with king10 doubleton — but a good declarer would focus on the best way to hold this combination to one loser.
Any play will work if hearts split 3-2, but what can be done if hearts split 4-1? The correct play is to lead a low heart toward dummy at trick two. Should West have started with four to the king, he should duck the first heart. Declarer can cross back to his hand with the king of clubs and lead another low heart. West will rise with his king this time and lead another diamond. South will ruff in his hand and lead a low heart to dummy’s jack. A spade to the ace will allow him to draw the last trump and discard a spade from his hand on dummy’s clubs. Making four.
Should East hold four hearts to the king, he would do best to duck the first heart. Again, declarer will cross back to his hand with a club and lead another low heart. This time, East will win the jack with his king and lead a diamond. South will ruff and lead a club to dummy’s 10. He can then finesse East out of his 10 of hearts, draw trumps, and claim.